Our products are made to order and are printed once you make a purchase on our store. It generally takes 1 to 7 business days for printing, and then your shirt will be shipped the next day. We use Priority USPS or UPS shipping, which typically delivers in 3 days.
Yes, we ship worldwide! Your merchandise will take 1 to 3 business days to print and then an additional 10 to 25 days for delivery, depending on the country where the order will be delivered. ***We don't cover customs fees (they may apply in Europe/UK with every order value of $25 and up) you can look here form more informationhttps://pbi.bz/2veDY2i
When you place an order, you will receive an email with a receipt that has tracking information. When your order finishes printing, you will receive another email with an updated tracking number. Contact support@imraisingroyalty.com if you have any questions.
You have a few options to contact us! You can send an email to support@imraisingroyalty.com. You can also use the "Contact Us" form located on the home page of our store. Lastly, you can message us through Facebook Messenger by clicking the "Message Us" button on the bottom left-hand corner of our store. We will get back to you within 24 hours.
Because our items are made to order, we do not offer returns, and all sales are final. If your item is damaged or has any issues, such as the print not being straight, a stain, or a misprint, we will make it right. However, we do require you to first send us a picture showing the misprint/damage, and if it is indeed our problem, we will replace your item. If approved, we will ask you to send the product back to us, and when received, we will send you a new product at no cost. If there are any exceptions made, there may be a restocking fee associated with the item.
Because of our production process, we currently do not offer refunds. Only under circumstances where we made a mistake will we consider making a refund. This will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.